Project: Second national communication of the Republic of Serbia
under the United Nations framework convention on climate change


Regional climate model used for dynamical downscaling is EBU-POM (Djurdjevic and Rajkovic, 2010). It is fully coupled atmospheric-ocean regional climate model. Its atmospheric part is version of NCEP's Eta model. Ocean part of the model is Princeton Ocean Model (POM). The coupling between the atmospheric and oceanic part is done explicitly, in a way that models exchange heat and momentum fluxes and sea surface temperature (SST) on every atmospheric physics time step (Djurdjevic and Rajkovic, 2008).

The model has been previously used for climate change integrations in the Euro-Mediterranean region within the SINTA project (Gualdi et al., 2008). These results have been used in the Initial National Communication of the Republic of Serbia (2011), as well as in several impact studies such as: Stojanovic et al., 2013; Ruml et al., 2012; Bellafiore et al., 2012; Krzic et al, 2011.

The RCM climate simulations domain is the Euro-Mediterranean region, with the center of the atmospheric part positioned on the coordinates 41.5°N, 15°E. The model boundaries are 19.9° versus east and west and 13.0° versus north and south from the center of the model. Oceanic part of the model covers the Mediterranean sea without the Black sea. The horizontal resolution of the atmospheric model is 0.25°, while in the vertical direction the model has 32 vertical levels. RCM simulations are done for the period 1950-2000 with an observed concentration of GHG, using the experiment 20c3m. The referent present climate period (base period) 1961-1990 is used in accordance to the WMO standard. Two simulations are performed for the future climate, both in the period 2001-2100, one under the A1B and other under the A2 IPCC/SRES scenario (Nakicenovic et al., 2000). The SRES A1B scenario, considered to be a standard future emissions scenario in many studies, is a mid-line scenario, while A2 is at the higher end of the SRES emissions scenarios.

For the initial and boundary conditions for the model simulations are used results from the global climate model ECHAM5 (Roeckner et al. 2003) coupled with MPI-OM ocean model. ECHAM5 model results are available at CERA database (

In addition to the results of the model which may be downloaded through this data base additional variables from model output are available upon request. Contact details can be found here

List of variables available upon request.

Variable Units
Geopotential of surface m
U wind (standard pressure levels) m/s
V wind (standard pressure levels) m/s
Temperature (standard pressure levels) K
Specific humidity (standard pressure levels) kg/kg
Cloud water mixing ratio (standard pressure levels) kg/kg
Surface temperature K
Temperature on 2 m K
Specific humidity on 2 m kg/kg
U wind on 10 m m/s
V wind on 10 m m/s
Temperature on 10 m K
Specific humidity on 10 m kg/kg
Accumulated total precipitation (6 h accumulation) m/m2
Accumulated snow (6 h accumulation) m
Accumulated convective precipitation (6 h accumulation) m/m2
Latent heat flux on surface W/ m2
Sensible heat flux on surface W/ m2
Short wave incoming radiation on surface W/ m2
Long wave incoming radiation on surface W/ m2


Bellafiore D., Bucchignani E., Gualdi S., Carniel S., Djurdjevi# V., Umgiesser G. (2012), Assessment of meteorological climate models as inputs for coastal studies. Ocean Dynamics, Vol. 62, 4, 555-568.

Djurdjevic V. and Rajkovic, B. (2008), Verification of a coupled atmosphere-ocean model using satellite observations over the Adriatic Sea, Annales Geophysicae, 26(7): 1935-1954.

Djurdjevic, V. and Rajkovic, B. (2010), Development of the EBU-POM coupled regional climate model and results from climate change experiments, In: Advances in Environmental Modeling and Measurements, Editors: T. D. Mihajlovic and Lalic B., Nova Publishers.

Gualdi, S., Rajkovic, B., Djurdjevic, V., Castellari, S., Scoccimarro, E., Navarra, A., Dacic, M. (2008), Simulations of climate change in the Mediterranean Area. Final Scientific Report ( 2122/4675/1/SINTA FInal Science Report October 2008.pdf).

Krzic A, Tosic I, Djurdjevic V, Veljovic K, Rajkovic B. (2011), Changes in climate indices for Serbia according to the SRES-A1B and SRES-A2 scenarios. Clim. Res., 49:73-86.

Nakicenovic, N., Alcamo, J., Davis, G., de Vries, B., Fenhann, J., Gaffin, S., Gregory, K., GrüA., Jung, T.Y., Kram, T., la Rovere, E.L., Michaelis, L., Mori, S., Morita, T., Papper, W., Pitcher, H., Price, L., Riahi, K., Roehrl Rogner, H.H., Sankovski, A., Schlesinger, M., Shukla, P., Smith, P., Swart, R., van Rooyen, S., Victor, N., Dali, Z. (2000), Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES). Contribution to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Roeckner E., Bäl G., Bonaventura L., Brokopf R., Esch M., Giorgetta M., Hagemann S., Kirchner I., Kornblueh L., Manzini E., Rhodin A., Schlese U., Schulzweida U., Tompkins A. (2003), The atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM 5. Part I: Model description, MPI-Report No 349.

Ruml M., Vukovic A., Vujadinovic M., Djurdjevic V., Rankovic-Vasic Z., Atanackovic Z., Sivcev B., Markovic N., Matijasevic S., Petrovic N. (2012), On the use of regional climate models: Implications of climate change for viticulture in Serbia, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 158, 53-62.

Stojanovic D., Krzic A., Matovic B., Orlovic S., Duputiec A., Djurdjevic V., Galic Z., Stojnic S. (2013), Prediction of the European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) xeric limit using a regional climate model: An example from southeast Europe, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology , 176, 94-10.