(unofficial - beta version)
Project: Second national communication of the Republic of Serbia
under the United Nations framework convention on climate change


As a part of Project "Second national communication of the Republic of Serbia" climate change scenario database has been developed in order to enable easier data access for potential users. Data base contain results of future climate change scenarios obtained with regional climate model EBU-POM.

From this data base you can download:

  • Raw (uncorrected) model output of key climate variables
  • Bias corrected model output of key climate variables
  • Prepared figures for quick-look analysis
  • Data area coverage and spatial resolution:

  • Area: 18.375 - 23.375 °E and 41.375 - 46.375 °N
  • Rsolution: 0.25x0.25° (21x21 grid points)
  • Time resolution:

  • Daily means
  • Monthly means
  • Variables:

  • Mean temperature (°C)
  • Minimum temperature (°C)
  • Maximum temperature (°C)
  • Accumulated precipitation (mm)
  • Experiments and secenarios:

  • 20c3m experiment (observed GHG concetration) over period 1951-2000
  • A1B IPCC/SRES scenario over period 2001-2100
  • A2 IPCC/SRES scenario over period 2001-2100
  • Recommendation:
    For impact studies it is strongly recommended to use bias corrected dataset.

    Terms of use

    These data and figures are strictly for use in non-commercial research and non-commercial education projects only. Scientific results based on these data must be submitted for publication in the open literature without any delay linked to commercial objectives. If you are unsure about the terms "commercial", "research", and "education", please contact us.


    Whenever you publish research or applications based on these gridded data products or use figures from database, be kind and include the following citations:

    Rajkovic B., Vujadinovic M. and Vukovic A. (2013) Report on revisited climate change scenarios including review on applied statistical method for removing of systematic model errors, with maps of temperature, precipitation and required climate indices changes; Second national communication of the Republic of Serbia under the United Nations framework convention on climate change. MERZ, Belgrade, Serbia